In recent years a website is a well known to everyone but do you know what is exactly the website is? First of all I think we need to know what is website. Good question huh? Website is a set of related web pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a single person or organization. This is a technical definition of website. In simple word it is the pages where we get the useful information, we can have some work on the website and its not limited to this now a days, it may be more complex than that.

What is URL – (web address)

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, which is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network. Its one type of URI(Uniform Resource Identifier. Don’t get confused with URI and URL, just keep in mind that URIs may be used to identify anything including real world objects, and URLs are mainly used for a Web Pages. URL is also referred to web address. Webpage URL is a combination of your Site URL and the web pages location. For example see “” here the “” is the site site address and “/what-is-website/” is a location of the content of webpage.

You might have noticed the “https://” or “http://” and “www.” in the example URL, They have their unique presence in the URL. www stands for World Wide Web which is the system for transferring documents, images or other web resources over the internet. http:// stands for the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol which is the protocol for data transfer over internet which is the essential part of any website.

If you want to Create your own website

If you are willing to create a website you need to register a Domain first, then have a hosting space for storing your data and last but not least you must design it through the web design languages(html/css/js). We will look at each part in short here. I will give all the details about domain registration, Hosting and Web designing in the next chapters

  1. Domain: It is a registered name for your site like, etc.. You must have to register it through the domain registrar. get the detailed info Here
  2. Hosting: As I said you need to save your data somewhere on the server, you can create your own server or any host on some remote servers through hosting provider. get the detailed info Here
  3. Web Design: This is the main important part of any website, The website popularity depends on this factor. We can divide this again in two sections that is selection of content and the second one is visual aspects. get the detailed info Here

I will be going to explore all of them with more details in next chapters

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