The internet has changed our daily lives. The impact of the internet has been tremendous on the relationship between people on earth. So, we live every beat of our life as if it will never be separated from it. In this article, we summarize the 15 most common questions that you might also, be wondering if you are a new user. Or maybe in an exam, you would be asked those questions about the internet. So here are some questions and their answers about the internet.

1. What is the Internet?
The Internet is a wider network that allows computer networks worldwide to talk to each other by companies, governments, universities, and other organizations and allow digital information to travel around the world.
2. When online, what did the population do?– Most asked question about the internet
The data of what people do when they are online looks like this: 156 meters of email, 29 meters of news, 1.5M Spotify songs, 4-meter-Google searches, 2 meters of Skype calls, 350,000 Tweets, 243,000 photos Post 87,000 hours on Netflix 65,000 pictures on Instagram, 25,000 posts on Tumblr, 18,000 games, uploaded to YouTube 400 hours video.
3. How to connect to the connection?
The minimum requirement is a computer and modem or smartphone. You can use the Internet Service Provider (ISP), online business service, or Freenet. There are many types of internet connections are available like Broadband, DSL, Cable, fiber, and Satellite. Also, you can simply use your smartphone for the internet connection.
4. What is Internet Service Provider (ISP)?– Most asked question about the internet
ISP provides direct access from your home or office via a telephone line or special internet connection. The company that provides the access to the internet is referred to as an Internet service provider.
5. What is the website?
The website is a file stored on the server, which is the computer of the host website. These servers are connected to a giant network called the Internet.
6. What is the browser?
The browser is a computer program that loads the website over the Internet, such as Google Chrome Firefox, or Internet Explorer. When you type a website address/ URL in the address bar of the browser it tries to connect to the server for getting the correct website that you typed. When connected, it fetches the content from the server and shows the relevant page to the user.
7. What is the home page?
The home page is an open page of the website. The cover and form combination of books are combined into an electronic page.

8. What is a URL?
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a tool for identifying websites on the Internet. In short, it is the exact location of the information/page you are searching for. The website is started with “ftp://” with “http://” or https:// and FTP sites, this is the internet protocol for accessing the site. The next group of letters refers to the server: for example, “www.” then the domain name ie. the website name like “”, and then the name of the page that you need to view. So the URL would be something like “”
9. What does HTTP mean?
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connects you and your website requests to remote servers that contain all site data. It is a set of rules (an agreement) that defines how to send messages online. When you type a website in a web browser, HTTP provides a framework for clients (computers) and servers to request and respond to each other. The client (computer) and server can say the same language.
10. What is the IP address?
IP is an Internet protocol that manages interactions on the Internet. To access the website, you need to know its IP address. The IP address is a unique numeric string. Each device has an IP address to distinguish between billions of websites and devices connected through the Internet.
11. What is an email?
Email (email) messages are usually sent from one person to another. You can send it to a large number of addresses at the same time by using an email list or ListServer.
12. What is the newsgroup?
A news group is a discussion group on the Internet, and anyone can join. Read and post articles in the Global Forum.
13. What is coding?– Most asked questions about the internet
Coding means writing a server and application code using the programming language. They are called “languages” because they include vocabulary and grammar rules for communicating with the computer. They also have special commands, abbreviations, and punctuation, only by devices and programs.
14. What Cybersecurity Is?
As long as the internet exists, users will be looking to find vulnerabilities in websites to expose private information, steal data, and crash servers. Protecting data, network, and computer security is a Cybersecurity practice.
15. What is a dark web?– Most asked question about the internet
A bunch of websites bury in a dark network, including the address hidden from view. The dark web has many legal uses, reporters, activists, and reporters’ anonymity, are part of the criminal activity. The illegal market on the dark network ranges from drugs, guns, and counterfeit money to all markets of hackers, crane eyes, and children’s pornography.
These are the 15 most common questions about the internet. I hope these answers helped you learn many new things that you didn’t know before.
The Internet is a wider network that allows computer networks worldwide to talk to each other by companies, governments, universities, and other organizations and allow digital information to travel around the world.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connects you and your website requests to remote servers that contain all site data. It is a set of rules (an agreement) that defines how to send messages online. When you type a website on the web…..
Coding means writing a server and application code using the programming language. They are called “languages” because they include vocabulary and grammar rules for communicating with the computer. They also have special commands, abbreviations, and punctuation, only by devices and programs.
bunch of websites buries in a dark network, including the address hidden from view. The dark web has many legal uses, reporters, activists, and reporters’ anonymity, are part of the criminal activity. The illegal market on the dark network ranges from…